Are you seeking a new opportunity but nervous about taking the first step?

Are you waiting on the sidelines because you don’t know where to start?

I believe in your power to make real change – in your life and in the lives of others.

The key is to embrace all the facets of you: your skills, and your life experience.


Stop giving your knowledge away for free!


It’s time to get the support you need to take action: the mindset shifts and game plan needed to create your ideal work and life situation.


Me Corp helps you see the complete version of you.


Start defining success on your own terms.

Success that actually makes you happy.

Success that motivates you to wake up every day, ready to take on new challenges.


Once you stop limiting yourself, you’ll discover the brilliance that your friends, children, partner, and parents already see in you.

When you uncover your unique power and skills, and put them all together to build the life you want, you become unstoppable.


Want support to uncover your magic and take action?

Schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation to see if Me Corp is right for you!

Meet Katie


Building Me Corp is my Me Corp, a platform to use and share my unique skills and knowledge. I do this by providing guidance, tools and resources to help you create your ideal lifestyle, whatever that may be.


I have co-founded and built a successful start-up, consulted Fortune 250 companies, and led advisory board programs for CEO’s and their senior leadership teams.


While working my butt off to make it all happen, I realized something about myself: I was killing it in the corporate world but something just didn’t feel right.


I wasn’t being my authentic self.


I was living out other people’s versions of success. I was forcing myself into roles I thought I needed to play because I didn’t understand my value. I didn’t know that I had permission to just be me.


What drives me is helping people avoid making the same mistake I did.

I designed the Me Corp program to help you feel at ease throughout the process. Together we will identify those scary risks, and overcome any mental and emotional barriers you’re facing, so you can make informed decisions about your future and take action.


Access one-on-one guidance that empowers you to achieve your ideal life and lifestyle.